Pure Herbal Products
Released on = June 21, 2007, 10:49 pm
Press Release Author = Herbal Product
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Spokesperson for Pure Herbal Products, Inc. said that they look forward to promoting America\'s first and original Pure Hoodia brand which includes their Pure Hoodia, Pure Hoodia 750, Pure Hoodia Plus & Pure Hoodia Extreme product lines.
Press Release Body = Pure Herbal Products, Inc. announced today that they have reached an agreement to purchase Pure Hoodia, Inc.\'s already established line of Pure Hoodia products for an undisclosed amount. Spokesperson for Pure Herbal Products, Inc. said that they look forward to promoting America\'s first and original Pure Hoodia brand which includes their Pure Hoodia, Pure Hoodia 750, Pure Hoodia Plus & Pure Hoodia Extreme product lines. \"We are excited about taking these brands to the next level both nationally and internationally as well.\" Pure Herbal Products, Inc. will be taking over these brand names and adding them to their own line of Pure Herbal line of products. Pure Hoodia, Inc. was the first company in America to offer 100% Pure Hoodia Gordonii Succulent in it\'s natural form way back in 2003 almost a year before the Hoodia Diet craze swept our nation, but not without adversity. In 2005 Pure Hoodia, Inc. was targeted by a Taiwanese news website accusing them of selling counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii Succulent. After the rumors began to spread on the internet Pure Hoodia, Inc. began working with FDA special agent Zachary Timko in the FDA\'s investigation to track down the actual seller of the counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii Succulent. It was later discovered that the actual ring leader was selling ground up cactus out of Round Rock, Texas as Hoodia Gordonii Succulent to companies like Pure Hoodia and TrimSpa. Pure Herbal Products, Inc. is asking that past, present and future customers request Pure Hoodia, Pure Hoodia Plus & Pure Hoodia Extreme by name at their local drug stores and pharmacies\' across the nation. For more information about these Pure Hoodia products you can visit their website at http://www.PureHoodia.com
Web Site = http://www.seenontv.com/prod-pages/pure_hoodia.html
Contact Details = 75 Bermar Park, 1-866-277-3366, directory.submission100@gmail.com etc
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